What can we do if we have concerns about our Crystal Dreaming® Teacher?
If you have a concern about the training you have received from a Crystal Dreaming® Teacher you may make a complaint.  If you have any concerns you should first discuss them with the Teacher, but if you are not able to do this, or believe your complaint requires further consideration, you may contact Global Healing directly. They will deal with complaints concerning the performance of Crystal Dreaming® Teachers promptly. The following information outlines the initial process to be followed.

How must the complaint be made?
Any student or client has the right to make a complaint to be addressed and resolved by the licensed Teacher, Global Healing (course content creators) or a third party.

The complaint must be in writing and made to the Registrar of Crystal Dreaming® Teachers at the Global Healing head office.  It must be made within one month of the matter complained of.

This request must be in writing and may be sent by email.

  • It is encouraged and expected that all reasonable attempts have been made to resolve the complaint directly with the respondent.
  • It is expected that the complainant has been acting in accordance with the Crystal Dreaming® Practitioner code of Practice.
  • It is expected that all details of the grievance have been clearly outlined with the person involved – unless that person is being accused of abuse, harassment, harm or intimidation (or anything else that causes the complainant to feel unsafe).
  • It is expected that the complainant allow reasonable time for the respondent to respond and is able to clarify any details (14 days).
  • It is also expected that the complainant make reasonable effort to resolve the matter with the respondent to the satisfaction of both parties in a timely matter (14 days).
  • The complainant can expect to be treated with respect, professionalism and understanding in a timely matter.
  • The complainant can expect that the respondent will make all reasonable efforts to understand the complainants grievance and to resolve it in a timely matter (14 days).

If lodging a complaint it must contain the following details:

  1. The complainant must state their full name and contact details.
  2. The name of the Crystal Dreaming® Teacher to whom the complaint relates.
  3. The full details of the complaint, nature, date, time, location, people involved and any other relevant information.
  4. Steps taken to resolve the grievance including any discussions with external parties.
  5. What the complainant would like the respondent to do to resolve the issue and any assistance they would like to receive.
  6. Whether or not it is or has been the subject of other proceedings. 
  7. They may be asked to provide additional material you wish to provide in support of the complaint.
  8. Clearly state when the complainant is satisfied.

If there is no resolution directly with the respondent it can be escalated to Global Healing and/or an external party with the intention of resolution. Use of an external party and mediation is a last resort and will not be at the expense of any licensed Teacher or Global Healing unless discussed and agreed upon mutually.

If the licensed Teacher and Global Healing decide that they do not have a useful role in resolving the grievance, they will make this clear to the complainant and suggest alternative approaches.

Not all complaints will be accepted but if the Registrar decides to deal with the complaint you will be asked to provide any additional material you wish to provide in support of the complaint.

Complainants must provide to the Registrar a written statement consenting to the Crystal Dreaming® Teacher being notified of the complaint and being given a copy of any information or material provided by you to the Registrar in support of the complaint.

If the Registrar does not receive such a statement the complaint cannot proceed and will be terminated. 

No complaint will be recorded.

What information will the Crystal Dreaming® Teacher receive if the complaint is dealt with?
The Crystal Dreaming® Teacher will receive a written notice stating that the complaint has been made.  They will receive a copy of the complaint and any supporting material provided by the complainant.  The Teacher will be given the complainant’s name and that of any supporting witnesses, but no contact details will be provided.

They will be invited to respond to the complaint and provide any additional material they wish in writing in support of their response.  This might include, for example, a signed statement from one or more witnesses.

The complaint will then be dealt with by the registrar  If appropriate it may be dealt with by conciliation or a more formal determination process.  The registrar does not have the power to require the Teacher to repay any money to any complainant, although the registrar may make a recommendation to that effect.

Address complaints to Global Healing head office